- 二氧化硅 silicon dioxide silice sionox silicon oxide earth sillicon pellosil silica silic
- 二元 duality binary dyadic
- 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador Ecuadorian EC Republic of Ecuador
- 俄罗斯 Russia
- 俄国 Muscovy Russia
- 恶语中伤 calumniate
- 愕然 astounded stunned with consternation
- 二甲苯 xylene dimethylbenzene xylol dimethyl benzene xylen
- 恶性肿瘤 malignancy malignant tumor therioma
- 鳄鱼 crocodile alligator cayman crocodilian muggur
- 恩典 grace Act of Grace
- 恩惠 obliged obligation boon benefaction grace mortgage bounty beneficence benignity
- 恶劣 vile odious scurviness wretched badness baseness
- 遏制 check contain hold back or within limits throttlehold inhibition
- 恶浊 filthy foul
- 贰心 doubleness
- 二百五 a stupid person
- 二八年华 sweet sixteen
- 贰臣 turncoat official
- 迩来 recently; lately; hitherto
- 耳背 hard of hearing (听觉不灵)
- 耳鬓厮磨 (usually said of childhood sweethearts) very intimate
- 而已 that's all nothing more
- 耳鼻喉科 E.N.T.department ear-nose-throat department ent (ind) department of otorhinolary
- 耳朵 ear lap lobe auricle
- 耳垂 earlobe earlap ear lobe lobe auricular lobule antilobium lobulus auriculae lappe
- 耳边风 unheeded advice
- 耳聪目明 can hear and see well
- 尔曹 you people; you and your kind
- 尔格 erg dyne centimeter (dyne-cm)
- 尔后 thereafter
- 儿茶素 catechuic acid catechin
- 儿子 son FILS boy
- 儿化 suffixation of a nonsyllabic "r"
- 儿茶酚 catechol pyrocatechol pyrocatechin catechin pyrocatechuic acid
- 儿皇帝 puppet emperor
- 儿科 department of pediatrics
- 儿茶 cutch catechu Acacia catechu cashoo
- 儿茶酚胺 catecholamine (CA)
- 儿歌 children's song nursery rhyme
- 而后 then after that
- 而今 now at the present (time)
- 儿童 child young one small-fry enfant younger infant children
- 而是 but not...but...
- 尔虞我诈 deceive each other
- 而且 moreover not only ... but also ... ... as well as ... in addition furthermore wi
- 遏止 check hold back stem the tide of suppression
- 耳子 handle (on a pot)
- 恶棍 villain knave scoundrel larrikin tough highbinder rascallion thug varlet ruffian
- 恶人 cacodaemon monster hellion elf child of the devil hellyon nowt son of Belial vil
- 萼片 sepal calyx lobe
- 扼死 strangle death from manual strangulation
- 饿饭 go hungry; go without food
- 扼流线圈 choking winding chokingwinding reactance coil kicking coil protective choke chok
- 饿虎扑食 like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey
- 扼流圈 choke choking turn inductive choke retardation coil reactive coil impedance coil
- 扼杀 jugulate take by the throat cut the throat of snuff out snuff kill throttlehold
- 萼冠间柄 anthophore
- 扼要 to the point resume
- 鹅黄 light yellow
- 扼制 control; press
- 鹅颈 gooseneck; swan-neck
- 鹅卵石 pebble cobblestone shingle cobble handstone
- 鹅口疮 thrush white mouth mycotic stomatitis soor oral candidiatis
- 鹅毛 goose feather
- 额头 forehead
- 额定电流 rated current
- 额定电压 voltage rating nominal voltage rated voltage
- 额定频率 normal frequency rated frequency nominal frequency
- 额定 rating rated rated at normal (n) nominal off-peak
- 额定容量 marked capacity rated capacity nominal power rated kilovolt-ampere capacity rati
- 额定负荷 rated load loading to normal capacity
- 额定负载 rated load rated burden nominal load load rating burden rating rated duty normal
- 额定功率 power rating rated output rated power output rated power capability rated capaci
- 恩爱 (adj) like mutal love between a husband and wife
- 恩仇 debt of gratitude and revenge
- 恩德 favor kindness
- 恩赐 bestow favor
- 摁钉儿 thumbtack
- 摁扣儿 snap fastener
- 扼守 hold; guard
- 耳目 information spy
- 恶作剧 play a practical joke on someone
- 儿媳妇 daughter-in-law daughterin-law
- 蛾子 moth
- 娥眉 beautiful women delicate eyebrows arched eyebrows
- 二十 twenty
- 讹诈 blackmail extort throw a bluff on run a bluff on chantage
- 讹赖 blackmail
- 恶臭 fetor malodor niff mephitis rancidity pong stench effluvium cacosmia foetor kako
- 恶霸 local tyrant despot
- 恶报 judgment retribution for evildoing recompense for ill punishment
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