- 浪花 spray lipper surf sprawl spoondrift white water breaker
- 浪费 to waste to squander prodigality fiddle away lavishment misspend putter away pro
- 劳动保险 labour insurance
- 蜡笔画 crayon crayon drawing pastel drawing picture in crayon
- 蜡黄 wax yellow; waxen; sallow
- 浪荡 to loiter to hang around calf round
- 狼尾草 cat tail Pennisetum alopecuroides pearl millet pennisetum Foxtail pennisetum
- 赖皮 rascally shameless
- 辣酱油 chili sauce
- 辣椒 chili hot pepper red pepper capsicum Hungarian pepper pungent pepper pimiento ca
- 落差 fall head drop static head taste drop height falling head water head head throw
- 落笔 put pen to paper to put brush to paper
- 郎才女貌 (said of match-making) a perfect match
- 来不得 won't do; be impermissible
- 落榜 fail in an entrance examination; fail as a candidate; flunk a competitive examin
- 辣椒红 capsanthin
- 辣椒粉 cayenne pepper paprika
- 落草 take to the greenwood; take to the heather; become an outlaw be born
- 落草为寇 take to the bush take to the heather
- 来不及 there's not enough time (to do sth.) it's too late (to do sth.) be not ready to
- 老兄 'old chap' (form of address between male friends) mister kiddo old fellow strang
- 懒洋洋 lazily drawl
- 零数 fractional amount remainder fraction fractional figure
- 了得 terrible; horrible
- 乐曲 musical composition music presto OP
- 零碎 (adj) scattered and fragmentary piecemeal snippety waifs and strays bits and pie
- 零散 spread sprawl
- 率尔 rashly; hastily
- 率土之滨 all this land; all within the boundaries; within the territory of a state
- 率领 lead command head lead on captain
- 流水 running water nullah glide be presto
- 烂熟 thoroughly cooked know something thoroughly (十分熟悉)
- 落落 natural and graceful standoffish; aloof; unsociable
- 零星 (adj) partial; fragmentary; scattered and few
- 露布 war proclamation
- 凉席 mat
- 凉亭 arbor summerhouse arbour alcove bower kiosk gloriette pergola summer-house trell
- 雷同 identical duplicate
- 临时 temporary interim for the occasion temporarily temp ad hoc occasional casual pro
- 拉稀 have loose bowels
- 留宿 bestow for accomodate stay room bestow
- 六畜兴旺 the domestic animals are all thriving
- 六畜 domestic animals
- 绿荫 green shade
- 老鹰 glede hawk
- 鲁钝 moronity moronism muff moron morosis stupidity
- 领有 possess; own
- 来源 source origin resource staple quarry mint
- 乐池 orchestra orchestra box orchestra pit
- 乐不可支 be overjoyed
- 乐不思蜀 be so happy as to forget home and duty
- 乐此不疲 always enjoy it
- 乐音 tone clang musical sound musical tone
- 路数 way; movement in martial arts; exact details; inside story exact details; inside
- 留心 (v) take care; be mindfull mind keep one's eyes open keep both eyes open look ou