- 山寨 mountain fortress; fortified mountain village
- 伸展 extension unfolding protension protend outspread stretch spread smooth syntasis
- 水藻 algae algas alga
- 上涨 rise go upward mount jack-up jump pyramid stiffen advance be on the advance set
- 水涨船高 when production costs rise, prices rise too
- 市镇 town place
- 生殖 (v) reproduce; flourish procreation procreate reproduction (process) reproduce g
- 事主 the victim of a crime or an accident client clientele
- 时钟 timepiece clock (CLK) time clock timing clock
- 术语 term terminology language jargon nomenclature onym technical word technical term
- 术科 subject
- 术语表 glossary nomenclature
- 适中 moderate well situated moderation medium ( mediums or media)
- 事略 biographical sketch
- 诉状 petition record bill of indictment
- 上手 begin seat of honour start
- 生根 rootage radication rhizogenesis take root root striking root
- 生长 grow upgrowth upcropping vegetate vegetation growth grown upspring development g