- 遐想 daydream reverie
- 翕动 open and close; quiver
- 犀角 rhinoceros horn
- 犀利 sharp; incisive; trenchant sharply
- 稀烂 completely mashed; pulpy
- 犀鸟 hornbill toucan
- 狭缝 slit
- 瑕瑜互见 have both strong and weak points
- 狭长 long and narrow
- 翕然 be in unison; be in harmony
- 狭长地带 strake
- 狭路相逢 come into unavoidable confrontation
- 狭谷 glen coombe cajon ravine combe defile coomb
- 香烟 cigarette cigaret(te) ciggy cigarillo pimp stick tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) smo
- 霞光 rays of morning or evening sunshine
- 瞎话 flapdoodle
- 瞎扯 gab natter slummock guff rats talk wet yackety-yak twaddle shoot the bull throw
- 稀罕 rarity rareness scarcity
- 稀里糊涂 muddleheaded
- 稀巴烂 broken to bits; smashed to pieces
- 溪谷 canyon linn gully ravine valley vale dale sheugh glen
- 熄风 relieve dizziness, high fever, infantile convulsions, epilepsy, etc.
- 熄灭 extinguish go out die out extinguishing quench(ing) crush out blanking extinguis
- 昔年 former years previous years
- 夕烟 evening mist
- 夕阳 the setting sun
- 吸出 exsuction aspirate suck out aspiration suckout
- 夕照 afterglow
- 析义 analyse the meaning
- 息事宁人 a policy of compromise and let everyone have peace
- 西安 Xi'an (city), the capital city of Shanxi Province Xi'an Sian xian sian pladj.
- 溪水 stream
- 熄火 flameout kill to switch off the motor bremstrahlung brennschluss power cutoff
- 熄灯号 lights out tap taps
- 昔日 formerly in olden days
- 吸尘 dust suction dust absorption
- 吸尘器 cleaner dust collector vacuum dirt collector electric vacum cleaner suction clea
- 吸虫 trematode fluke sucking insect
- 析疑 to resolve a doubt
- 昔时 yore in the old days in olden days in days of yore in days of old
- 析出 to separate out lixiviation separation separate out liberation precipitation ema
- 歇工 knock off
- 息肉 polypus polypi polyp
- 息怒 calm one's anger slake
- 息票 coupon coupon sheet certificate of interest interest warrant mortgage certificat
- 西方 the West the Occident Western countries Occident sunset westwards westward west
- 悬铃木 chinar chenar sycamore
- 讯问 interrogate ask about trial auditus interrogatorium cross-question enquire inter
- 畜养 raise domestic animals
- 驯养 domestication domesticate reclamation tame taming
- 小青瓦 blue roofing tile
- 下陷 settle cave in sink subside sag undercut
- 虾蟆 frog toad
- 兄弟 brothers younger brother brethren brother brer lad sibling frere frater buddie b
- 相同 same identical homology sameness identical congruent alike amount to the same th
- 香甜 fragrant and sweet
- 献丑 show oneself up
- 献词 dedication
- 线条 streak linellae lineation stria
- 线槽 wire chase wire casing trunking
- 献策 make suggestions offer advice
- 献宝 present a treasure offer a valuable piece of advice or one's valuable experience
- 线材 wire wire stock wire rod
- 线虫 eelworm wireworm nemathelminth nematoid nematode oat nematode eel
- 腺瘤 adenoma
- 陷落 slump cave-in downthrow foundering collapse cave sink
- 腺细胞 gland cell adenocyte glandular cell acinar cell
- 限定名 qualified name
- 陷害 (v) cast the blame on; frame frame-up entoil circumvent backstab circumvention t
- 现场 scene (FE) locality locale scene of action on-site jobsite field engineering job
- 现场表演 on-the-spot demonstration; live-demonstration
- 现场办公 on-site working
- 现场采访 spot coverage
- 现场调查 spot field investigation spot investigation field survey field method field inve
- 腺癌 adenocarcinoma glandular cell cancer adenomatous carcinoma adenometous carcinoma
- 陷坑 pit pitfall sink
- 腺垂体 adenohypophysis
- 现场观察 field observation
- 陷入 sink into get caught up in land in (a predicament) emboly relapse into inmesh sl
- 限定词 determiner determinative definitive qualifier governing member determinator
- 腺病毒 adenovirus AD virus
- 显出 ray
- 显摆 show off; brag about; flaunt
- 显而易见 obviously
- 险乎 nearly; by a hair's breadth
- 险些 nearly
- 险恶 inclemency
- 险工 dangerous section
- 显达 illustrious and influential
- 显得 seem appear look
- 习字帖 models for learning calligraphy models of calligraphy
- 险隘 defile strategic pass
- 险地 jaws
- 险峰 perilous peak
- 贤惠 (adj) chaste; virtuous
- 洗肠 intestinal lavage
- 洗车房 car carwash; car washing room
- 贤达 prominent personage; worthy
- 贤良方正 good and able men promoted by selection
- 贤德 virtuous good and honest virtue
- 咸菜 pickles brined vegetables brined vegetable
- 衔接 (v) join together; combine splice syntaxis end to end
- 闲得无聊 twiddle one's thumbs
- 孝敬 to respect to give presents (to one's elders or superiors)
- 闲工夫 leisure spare time
- 闲逛 lounge idle about roam stroll saunter gallivant gad ramble hack around lallygag
- 向北 northward northerly north northwards norward norwards northabout northerliness
- 孝顺 filial piety piety piousness
- 向背 support or oppose
- 孝服 mourning dress
- 嫌疑犯 suspect marked man
- 喜欢 to like to be fond of like jubilation have a mark on have a liking for liked tak
- 相像 be like resemblance likeness
- 相似 like similar resemblance to resemble similarity likeness kindred similarily simi
- 晓畅 be familiar with; have a deep understanding of smooth and explicit
- 晓光 twilight
- 衔冤 nurse a bitter sense of wrong; have a simmering sense of injustice
- 衔铁 gag bit armature iron armature (iron) bit
- 啸聚山林 go to the greenwood; band together; gang up
- 衔华佩实 bear both flowers and fruits; a good essay which has solid substance and beautif
- 闲扯 chat make conversation
- 啸傲 whistle arrogantly, free of worries and social conventions
- 啸声 howling squealing acoustic howling whistling sound whistling howl singing hissin
- 衔尾相随 march in single file
- 啸声炸弹 screamer bomb
- 笑柄 byword laughingstock joke mockery scoff ridicule a standing joke butt laughter j
- 笑出眼泪 laugh till one cries; laugh till the tears roll down one's cheeks; laughed until
- 笑掉大牙 laugh one's head off
- 啸鸣 sing
- 嫌疑 suspicion (be) suspected (of)
- 嫌恶 dislike abhor distaste loathing hold in detestation reluctancy disrelish disgust
- 向导 guide trot fugleman wizard pole star
- 闲荡 loiter putter wanton mope stroll hang about mopery putter around perambulate lop
- 嫌疑分子 a marked man
- 嫌弃 dislike and avoid be disgusted with disfavour repugnancy
- 闲话 digression gossip complaint scuttlebutt claver clishmaclaver tattle swap lies ja
- 嫌贫爱富 despise the poor and curry favor with the rich
- 象鼻 trunk
- 形象 image form figure visualize
- 像框 frame
- 晓风残月 The morning breeze and the lingering moon
- 形似 be similar in shape
- 晓得 to know awareness cognizant aware
- 晓岚 morning mist
- 项背 person's back
- 巷道 laneway streetlet head tunnel galery bord road alley way
- 项目 item project sports event items line item particular article programer subject o
- 享福 (v) live in comfort
- 享乐 (v) seek pleasure galliardise luxury enjoyment feast
- 享乐主义 hedonism gastronomy Epicureanism pleasureseeking sybaritism
- 响彻 rend resound
- 鲜卑 Xianbei an ancient nationality in China
- 响彻云霄 resound across the heavens
- 鲜度 freshness
- 新鲜 fresh (experience, food, etc.) freshness greenness verdure novelty sweetness vir
- 先辈 predecessor antecedent progenitor senior
- 纤夫 boat tracker tracker
- 纤毫 least bit; the minutest detail
- 纤尘不染 without a speck of dust untainted with evil thoughts or bad habits
- 仙丹 elixir
- 项链 (n) necklace; neck chain necklace torque
- 仙风道骨 demeanour of a transcendent being
- 巷战 a street battle street fighting
- 享年 die at the age of
- 响板 castanets castanet clapper sound board soundboard
- 巷伯 Xiangbo
- 小凹 fovea faveolus foveola scrobicula fossula
- 响度 loudness
- 享用 regale oneself on regale on fruition beneficial use
- 小巴 minibus
- 享受 to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc.) regale thermometer relish take enjoyment in en
- 掀动 lift set in motion start lting tilting
- 小白菜 pakchoi green chinese cabbage
- 掀起 (v) lift (v) raise in height (v) begin
- 小白菊 feverfew mayweed
- 响当当 outstanding; worthy of resounding fame; outstanding; worthy
- 掀风鼓浪 raise a storm
- 响动 sound of movement
- 掀天揭地 shaking heaven and earth; bringing about great changes
- 先前 previously before anteriority antecede antecedence
- 掀翻 throw
- 先导 forerunner precursor pace-setter leader pathfinding
- 纤度 size titer
- 纤尘 fine dust
- 乡村 village rustic mofussil country (side) villagery
- 霄汉 sky clouds(云)
- 霄壤之别 all the difference in the world
- 纤毛 cilium cilia pin feather pilus
- 相比 compared to matchup ontrast not in the same street with make a patch against pha
- 镶板 panelling paneling panel board truck side bearing veneer panel
- 乡村公路 country road
- 镶边 purfle selvedge selvage embroider band bind braid edge furring emborder edge pip
- 香精 essence compound perfume perfume compound perfume composition vanilla
- 镶嵌画 inlay work
- 香槟 champagne
- 销钉 pin peg dowel male pin pin bolt wire nail brad(nail) dowel bar
- 香槟酒 champagne bubbly champers
- 销售 market sell sales to sell sale vendition performance sales transaction sold sell
- 消沉 slump depression sink droop
- 消除 to eliminate to remove exterminate lay to rest iron out rase relieve of smooth o